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With a full heart I share the story of Dear Sweet Mama. Order directly from Amazon by clicking on Dear Sweet Mama below
Available in Hardcover, Paperback, and Kindle versions
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5.0 out of 5 stars A beautiful memoir of a daughters journey with her mother with Alzheimer's
Having a mother living with Alzheimer’s I can truly appreciate the fear, sadness and often anger of how this horrible brain disease can affect family members.  Julie shares the journey with her mother during an unforeseen time in our lives and shows her God given gifts of service, love and compassion that touched me so deeply from the very beginning until the end.  We all have a purpose in life and Julie has surely found hers.  I am truly blessed to be part of her tribe.  J.B.  Maryland

5.0 out of 5 stars Authentic and Moving
Julie’s heartfelt history of caring for and steadfastly loving her mother through dementia is authentic and moving. Most of all, it will resonate with others who are companioning their loved ones on that final journey.  J.S.B. New York

5.0 out of 5 stars Definitely worth the read for all caregivers!
Bless Julie for chronicling her Sweet Mama's final months of life with Alzheimer's; living in a memory unit during the COVID pandemic. Julie's journaling describes a mutually supportive family, (along with some very supportive caregivers) who were able to find creative ways around the barriers of COVID restrictions to give their mother, and themselves, as much family closeness as possible during this isolating time. As a geriatric social worker and a family caregiver myself, I recognize how fortunate Julie, her mom and her family were, as many Alzheimer's patients were suddenly deprived of family connection with no understanding of why their loved ones were gone. How beautiful and uplifting it was to read of this family's journey, a unique and positive experience born out of love. Dear Sweet Mama did her job well, she raised a family that clearly returned the loving care with which she had raised them. Bring tissues but prepare to smile. L.S. Florida

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