Welcome to Tanglewood. Through services including Speaking, Private Coaching and Reiki Healing, I provide space and guidance to ease pain, anxiety, hopelessness and fear. When you select to engage with me through one to one coaching or Reiki, or if you choose to partner with me for your next organizational event, you will find your way back to a place of peace and well-being - your origin. In that place your true self emerges, the beauty within expands and your life is full of experiences beyond your wildest dreams.
My vision is simple. Peace on Earth. The way I see it, the work we do together leads clients to find inner peace. As they expand from this place within, a light begins to shine brightly out into the world in every direction. This action creates a ripple and that Peace touches many lives, impacting how each recipient behaves. The vision is that this reach creates the Peace that our world so desperately desires.

Tanglewood was the name of the property on which I grew up. Given the name by my Father, Jeffrey B. Smith Sr., the land was covered with overgrowth full of thorns, poison ivy and tangles. Overtime, and with the hard work and the help of a hungry goat and lamb, the land was cleared leaving plenty of space for hide-and-seek, football and the riding of bikes. When we are born we arrive in a perfect state of joy and well-being. As long as our needs are met, we thrive. ​Over time tangles of programming and experience bury that part of us that is meant to shine out to the world. Tanglewood - once a gem among the beautiful Victorian homes in the historic Baltimore neighborhood, Sudbrook Park, designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, became hidden, disguised under years of neglect. As humans we turn away from our needs, we become passive in life, allowing days to whir by while feeling lost, off course, numb, or even in pain. Julie recognized that she too had become lost, feeling far away from her purpose, so began the work to find her way back to who she intended to be. Through her Certification as a Life Coach and a Level II Reiki Healer, she began to connect with those who were in search of what she offered. In alignment with all that she was meant to be while here on this Earth, life began to unfold with effortless ease - the way she believes it is meant to be. Sure, there were times of sadness, struggle, and landing off-course, but by using easily accessible tools, she finds her way back to her path and to a place of homeostasis and Peace.

Tanglewood Life Coaching is founded on the principles of Mindfulness and The Law of Attraction. Tanglewood creator, Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach and Reiki Master, Julie Cassaday, is a witness to how the law works and how effective becoming a deliberate creator can be. Julie's mission is to share this information with as broad an audience as possible. "Everyone deserves to know and understand this!" Julie allows the work to grow organically, receiving cues through intuition, allowing opportunities to unfold naturally. In this flow, she helps others identify and clear subtle road blocks that keep them from achieving all that they desire, thus allowing them to experience a clear mind and a sense of freedom and empowerment, which results in a life full of Peace. ​

I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.